GREENLAND PROJECT: Job Vacancy selection notice for a junior expert in the field of project management
Greenland project (B_A.3.1_0048)
GREEN-skiLls for a sustAiNable Development
C.U.P. E82D20000110004
ARCES Association, Partner of “GREENLAND” project (co-financed under the ENI CBC MED 2014-2020 Programme) is looking for a Junior Expert in the field of Project Management to support ARCES structured staff members in the implementation of activities and procedures outlined in Work Package 1 (WP1) “Project Management”.
The project total budget is € 3.856.322,19 and it is financed for an amount of € 3.470.689,97 (90%) by the European Union (ENI CBC MED 2014-2020 Programme) through the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI).
GREENLAND project aims to increase the employability of NEETs (up to 30 years old) and women (all ages) by providing them with marketable skills and qualifications to prepare them for skill-based occupations within the Green and Circular Economy sectors and reduce skill mismatches in rural areas particularly affected by the climate change.
ARCES Association is one of the members of the consortium composed by the following partners:
- Lead beneficiary – Programming United Department, European Territorial Cooperation and Bruxelles seat Office Italy (Calabria)
- Partner 1 – Planning and Development Agency Lebanon
- Partner 2 – National Agricultural Research Center Jordan
- Partner 3 – Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport Egypt Al Iskandanyah
- Partner 4 – Hisham Hijjawi College of Technology () Nablus – Palestine
- Partner 5 – ARCES Association Italy
- Partner 6 – University of Algarve Portugal
- Partner 7 – European Regional Framework for Co-operation Greece Dytiki Ellada
- Partner 8 Interbalkan Environment Center Greece – Kentriki Makedonia
The GREENLAND partners believe that the “NEET phenomenon” can be tackled and reduced through the implementation of concrete actions, such as training, coaching, tutoring and sharing of best practices between partners in two of the most relevant sectors of the Euro Mediterranean economy (i.e., the Green and Circular Economy sectors) which can generate hundreds of thousands of jobs for young people and women in the Mediterranean countries.
The project implementation period is 30 months (starting date 16/10/2020 – ending date 15/04/2023).
The selected person should provide support to ARCES staff members as CONSULTANT in Project Management and he/she will have to carry out the following activities:
Support to the management of the project in all its parts (WP1), in particular with regard to
- Overall day-to-day management and internal monitoring of the project implementation;
- Organisation of Project Management team meetings that will take place monthly at partner level and at project level;
- Elaboration of meetings minutes, List of participants, Kit meeting packages and other supporting documents as required by the Project Management Team;
- Elaboration of Monthly reports to be submitted to the Lead applicant after approval by the PMT;
- Supporting the project Financial Manager Assist the project financial Manager in Monthly financial run and relevant procedures
- Quality Control and Checks of Invoicing & Statements prior to MIS uploading and to Auditor Dispatch
- Elaboration of one Technical progress report at least;
- Creation of a virtual archive “repository” to collect the project supporting documents elaborated by the PMT.
- Possession of Bachelor’s degree / Master’s degree / Other.
- Experience in coordination and project management.
- Excellent knowledge of English, written and spoken (level C1 or above).
- Good knowledge of European policies and related funding instruments.
- Dissemination and networking experience including knowledge of the Lead Beneficiary’s main working area (Sicily).
- Strong communication, presentation and organizational skills.
- Excellent knowledge of the most known computer programs (Office, etc).
- Ability to work in self-sufficiency in the coordination of project activities.
Priority will be given to candidates who meet the following requirements:
- At least one year of proven experience in coordination and management of projects in the ENI CBC MED programme preferably dealing with social inclusion of disadvantaged groups, especially NEETs and long-term youth unemployed (Priority A.3)
- Excellent knowledge of Italian language (native speaker or C2 level)
- Excellent knowledge (level C1 or above) of other foreign languages in addition to the minimum requirement of English and Italian
The assignment has a duration of 5 months, starting from the date of stipulation of the Contract between the Partner and the Consultant.
The gross fee, including taxes, social security and welfare charges, is € 4.410,39
The duty station is Palermo (Italy).
The application form must be drawn up according to the model attached (Attachment A), dated and signed by the candidate (original, scanned and/or digital signatures are allowed), with attached professional curriculum Europass or a company profile, duly signed, together with a photocopy of a valid identity document.
The application must be sent by email to the following addresses:
- Mr. Alessandro Pernice (Project Manager) –
- Ms. Monica Segretario (Communication Manager) –
- Mr. Giancarlo Amato (Financial Manager) –
The subject of the e-mail must state the following: Selection of JUNIOR EXPERT IN THE FIELD OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT (GREENLAND Project)”
The deadline for submitting applications is May, 12th 2021(Italy Local time).
Only those candidates with a profile deemed of interest and who meet the above-indicated requirements will be invited to interview.
The data that will come into the possession of ARCES, will be processed pursuant to and for the purposes of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and in compliance with article 13 and article 14 of Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as to the free movement of such data (general data protection regulation, hereinafter also referred to as “regulation” or “GDPR”) and which repeals Directive 95/46 / EC.
Attachment A – Application-Form