Selection notice for a Consultant on communication and training activities to support visibility actions and Soft Skills Curricula Development
enHancingthEsociaL Inclusion Of neetS : HELIOS project
CUP: E45G18000050004
ARCES Association is the Lead Beneficiary of the EU Funding project “HELIOS – enHancingthEsociaL Inclusion Of neetS”.
The project total budget is € 2.791.437,46€ and it is financed for an amount of € 2.512.293,72 (90%) by the European Union (ENI CBC MED 2014-2020 Programme) through the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument.
HELIOS project aims to help tackle social exclusion and poverty amongst vulnerable groups by identifying the sector with greatest potential for growth and by providing marketable skills to NEETs to meet those sector needs through training activities and cross-border traineeships in companies.
ARCES Association leads the consortium composed by the following partners: Fisheries and Blue Growth District (Italy), Action Against Hunger (Spain), Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (Greece), Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fishery (Tunisia), University College of Applied Sciences Planning and External Relations Affairs (Palestine) and The National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension (Jordan). The HELIOS partners believe that the “NEET phenomenon” can be tackled and reduced through the implementation of concrete actions, such as training, coaching, tutoring and sharing of best practices between partners in two of the most relevant sectors of the Euro Mediterranean economy (i.e., Blue and Circular economy) which can generate hundreds of thousands of jobs for young people and women in the Mediterranean countries.
The project implementation period is 36 months (starting date 1/09/2019 – ending date 1/09/2022).
This invitation to tender is addressed to a Project CommunicationManager with experience in project communication and training activities involving participants coming from the Mediterranean region hereinafter referred to as candidate, to support the project staff of ARCES Association under the framework of HELIOS project (A_A.3.1_0155).
The candidate will be in charge of implementing Communication activities and conducting of the Soft Skills Module under the framework of the current training courses.
In particular, he/she will support ARCES project management team (PMT) in the implementation of the following communication tasks:
- Managing all communication activities and visibility actions, including the organisation of regional and local events that take place in Sicily
- Communicating effectively the project based on the communication rules contained in the Implementation Manual of ENI CBC MED programme in order to optimize the project communication strategies
- Implementing the project communication plans and appropriate dissemination strategies
- Ensuring promotion and supervision of project events
- Ensuring coordination of dissemination of results, advertising material, events, newsletters, project news, etc., that are proposed by the Helios consortium
- Creating web and social media contents for ARCES addressed to the project target groups (e.g., NEETs, Women) including copy, graphics, etc. to be published on ENI CBC MED website and on ARCES website as well as the social media channels of HELIOS and ARCES Association
- Managing HELIOS Social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and You Tube) and HELIOS’ webpage on ENI CBC MED website
- Ensuring supervision of social, web and graphic contents elaborated by HELIOS Project Partners (PPs), and their publication online through the project channels
- Ensuring coordination and supervision of the project Video maker appointed by ARCES with regards to educational video of training courses, as well as promotional and advertising videos
- Ensuring coordination and support to ARCES PMT with the aim of maximising the commitment and engagement of NEETs and women living in Sicily
- Ensuring coordination and support to ARCES PMT with the aim of maximising the project implementation in Sicily (Italy)
- Ensuring elaboration of progress reports in cooperation with ARCES PMT, such as PIR, monthly reports (i.e., communication sections)
- Supporting the project capitalization activities
Moreover, he/she will support ARCES PMT in the implementation of the training tasks:
- Leading the development of the Soft Skills Module (Italian version) and related didactic materials of training courses (e.g., communication skills, problem solving, leadership, negotiation, etc)
- Teaching the Soft Skills module developed on three different courses (20 hours each course) that will take place online and eventually on site at ARCES premises
- Ensuring the coordination and dialogue with experts on Soft skills appointed by the PPs
- Possession of Bachelor’s degree/ Master’s degree/ other in Management or Communication/ Economics sciences or similar
- Excellent knowledge of the ENI CBC MED programme, its objectives and policy, its communication strategies and project management and communication rules
- At least two years of experience in project management and communication at the Euro Mediterranean level
- At least two years of experience in projects founded by the European Union through ENI CBC MED programme
- At least two years of experience in the implementation of project communication strategies in the Mediterranean area targeting NEETs, unemployed young people and women as well as SMEs operating in the Circular, Blue and Green Economy
- At least two years of experience in the implementation of project communication strategies in Sicily targeting NEETs, young unemployed people and women as well as SMEs operating in the Circular, Blue and Green Economy, with the aim to maximize the impact of HELIOS in the regional and local context
- Previous experience in European funded projects dealing with social inclusion (i.e., unemployed women, young people especially NEETs) and with the promotion of sustainable economic models (Blue Economy, Green Economy and Circular Economy)
- Proven experience and competences in identification and implementation of communication/dissemination strategies related the Cross-border Cooperation (CBC) projects co-funded by ENI CBC MED, INTERREG, etc. (e.g., development of project communication plans, development of project Stakeholder Engagement Model, social media management, content creations, etc.)
- Proven experience in mapping main stakeholders/target groups to be engaged in the project activities
- Proven experience and competences in social media management (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram), copywriting, storytelling, green marketing, content marketing
- Proven experience and competences in creation of contents for social networks and websites such as news/articles, posts, newsletters, graphics about project topics (sustainable economy and Social Inclusion)
- Proven experience and competencies in website management, blogging, SEO
- Competencies in video-storytelling necessary to coordinate the video maker appointed by ARCES
- Excellent knowledge of Italian, written and spoken
- Good knowledge of English, written and spoken
- Strong organizational and communication skills, Time Management, Team Working, Team Building, Problem-Solving, Networking, etc)
- Knowledge of software and e-tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, Office (word, excel, power point), WordPress and Google Analytics
- Good group management skills
- Excellent public communication skills
Preference will be given to those candidates who:
- Previous experience of teaching in training courses preferably focused on Social inclusion
- Knowledge and skills in Sustainable Economy to facilitate the creation of contents on the project topics optimizing project communication addressed to main stakeholders (i.e., young people, women, SMEs, associations, etc)
- Have strong photography, photo-editing and graphics skills that could support project communication in the content and graphics creation
- Participation in courses about project management, EU project management, project risk management, project communication, soft skills, etc
- Participation to communication courses as copywriting, communication, graphics, social media management, video storytelling
- Willingness to work at the offices’ premises and to hold daily meetings with the project management staff
The position has a duration of 12 months, starting from the date of signing of the contract.
Total compensation for the duration of the engagement, including VAT and any eventually social, security and welfare costs, is € 28.560,00.
October 2021
Palermo, Sicily
The application form (AF) must be completed according to the attached form (Attachment A), dated and signed by the candidate (original, scanned copy or pdf with digital signature will be accepted). The application form must be accompanied by:
- Europass CV (original, scanned copy or pdf with digital signature will be accepted)
- A copy of a valid identity document
The AF must be sent by email to all of the following addresses:
- Mr. Alessandro Pernice (Project Coordinator) –
- Mr. Giancarlo Amato (Financial Manager) –
The deadline for submitting applications is 4th of October, 2021 at 1pm (Italy Local time).
Only those candidates with a profile deemed of interest and who meet the above-indicated requirements will be invited to interview.
The data that will come into the possession of ARCES, will be processed pursuant to and for the purposes of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and in compliance with article 13 and article 14 of Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as to the free movement of such data (general data protection regulation, hereinafter also referred to as “regulation” or “GDPR”) and which repeals Directive 95/46 / EC.
Attachment-A-Application-Form_HELIOS_ Communication and training activities